
At NG Dental, we know that no one enjoys the idea of getting a filling. However, today’s technology and our friendly team ensure that fillings are quick, painless, and match your tooth colour, so your smile stays natural.

We’re here to fix the little issues before they become big ones and keep you smiling confidently for years to come.

What causes cavities?

Cavities, the unwelcome result of sweet foods and poor brushing habits, start their damage silently by eroding the outer enamel layer of your teeth. As they progress to the more sensitive dentine layer beneath, you may experience symptoms like sensitivity to temperature changes or pain.

The ideal time to intervene with a filling is as the first sign of mild sensitivity, stopping decay in its tracks and preserving your tooth’s integrity.

How do fillings restore teeth?

Using a local anaesthetic to ensure your comfort, we carefully remove decay and restore the affected tooth with a tooth-coloured filling. This eliminates the cavity and reconstructs the tooth’s shape, preventing future decay and preserving the tooth’s function.

Our skilled team ensures the process is thorough yet as comfortable as possible.

Why choose composite fillings?

Composite fillings offer a modern alternative to traditional metal fillings. The resin material used is matched to your tooth’s natural colour, providing a restoration that is both strong and aesthetically pleasing.

Unlike metal fillings, composite restorations bond directly to the tooth surface, supporting the remaining tooth structure and minimising the risk of future fractures.

How long do composite fillings last?

With the right care, composite fillings can last up to seven years or more. Regular check-ups are essential, as we monitor the integrity of your fillings and advise if replacements are needed. It’s part of our commitment to your long-term dental health.