Routine Dental Check-Up

Visiting the dentist should be as routine as your morning brush — simple, necessary, and ultimately rewarding. At NG Dental, we combine warmth and advanced dental care, ensuring your journey to a perfect smile is comfortable and reassuring at every visit.

Why are regular dental check-ups important?

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. Here, we believe that prevention is always better than cure. By scheduling a routine dental check-up every six months, you can significantly reduce the risk of gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis, as well as dental caries (or tooth decay).

What can I expect during my routine dental check-up?

If it’s your first time with us, welcome! When you visit us for your routine dental check-up, we will carry out a full consultation. We will ask you to complete some documentation and discuss your previous dental history.

The next stage is the check-up. This includes a thorough visual examination of your teeth and digital dental X-rays, which can be a panoramic (full mouth X-ray) or focused on a single tooth if necessary. Digital dental X-rays help us detect cavities, especially those that develop in hard-to-see areas between the teeth. These insights, combined with a discussion about your general health, lifestyle habits, and hygiene routine, give us a comprehensive understanding of your oral health. With this knowledge, we can offer professional advice and create a tailored treatment plan for you.